IQF apples diced 10x10mm grade A
Variety Fuji or Qinguan
IQF apple diced 10x10mm
Blanched, or unblanched, without skin on,
Brix 9 min
Colour: minimum 96% fruits of typical white color of fresh apple,
Taste: typical of the apples, without any off-taste.
Unripe and overripe fruits: max.4% by weight.
Broken-damaged squashed and misshapen fruits: Max 3% by weight.
Clumps less than 3 fruits: under 2% by weight.
Stalks/leaves: nil
Seed/cores :nil
Metal/glass/plastic/stone/sand/soil or any other FMV/EVM: Non-existence.
Contamination: pesticides, fungicides, metals, mycotoxines, radioactivity, according to EU Standards.
Storage and transporting: cleanly stored and transported at or under temperature of minus 18 degrees centigrade (DC).